2008 - 2012 National Taiwan University (NTU) Forestry and Resource Conservation증명서를 업로드했습니다
2016 - 2018 Flight Training Services South Africa Commercial Pilot Flight Training증명서를 업로드했습니다
2015 - 2020 Qatar Airways Cabin Services Training증명서를 업로드했습니다
2015 - 2020 Qatar Airways Cabin Safety Training증명서를 업로드했습니다
ICAO - Private Pilot License 國際私人飛行執照증명서를 업로드했습니다
ICAO - Commercial Pilot License 國際商業飛行執照증명서를 업로드했습니다
FAA - Seaplane Pilot Rating 私人水上輕航機執照증명서를 업로드했습니다
Yoga Alliance - Yin Yoga Teacher Certificate 陰瑜伽師資證明증명서를 업로드했습니다
International English Tour Guide License (Inbound/Outbound) 國際外語導遊領隊執業證증명서를 업로드했습니다
TOEIC 多益 滿分 (990/990)증명서를 업로드했습니다
Yoga Alliance - Awakening Yoga Teacher Certificate 覺醒流瑜伽師資證明증명서를 업로드했습니다
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Certification Program MBTI 性格類型國際認證증명서를 업로드했습니다
RYA Competent Crew 英國皇家遊艇協會 合格海員證증명서를 업로드했습니다
RYA Day Skipper Certificate 英國皇家遊艇協會 日間船長證증명서를 업로드했습니다
2008 - 2012
National Taiwan University (NTU)Forestry and Resource Conservation증명서를 업로드했습니다
2016 - 2018
Flight Training Services South AfricaCommercial Pilot Flight Training증명서를 업로드했습니다
2015 - 2020
Qatar AirwaysCabin Services Training증명서를 업로드했습니다
2015 - 2020
Qatar AirwaysCabin Safety Training증명서를 업로드했습니다
ICAO - Private Pilot License 國際私人飛行執照증명서를 업로드했습니다
ICAO - Commercial Pilot License 國際商業飛行執照증명서를 업로드했습니다
FAA - Seaplane Pilot Rating 私人水上輕航機執照증명서를 업로드했습니다
Yoga Alliance - Yin Yoga Teacher Certificate 陰瑜伽師資證明증명서를 업로드했습니다
International English Tour Guide License (Inbound/Outbound) 國際外語導遊領隊執業證증명서를 업로드했습니다
TOEIC 多益 滿分 (990/990)증명서를 업로드했습니다
Yoga Alliance - Awakening Yoga Teacher Certificate 覺醒流瑜伽師資證明증명서를 업로드했습니다
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Certification Program MBTI 性格類型國際認證증명서를 업로드했습니다
RYA Competent Crew 英國皇家遊艇協會 合格海員證증명서를 업로드했습니다
RYA Day Skipper Certificate 英國皇家遊艇協會 日間船長證증명서를 업로드했습니다