

I am fading away in your memory when you know new people.
You own a new job, go to a new country.
It only decides if you want to do it or not.
Obviously, you just do not want it.
And educate me to not want it either.
And I’m doing my best.

Of course, only I thought so.
But the time was gone.
I don’t do it anymore.

Don't cry.
Because your tears, didn't give you any help.

It is only important for me, not for you.
So it is not important between us.

Let me ask.
Let you ask.
Let me say.
Let you hear it.
Let you know.
Until finally, I let me go.

I said a lot of sentences that are all for you.
But you don't know.
Because I never let you know.

이야기 속의 선생님

토익 & 스피킹
/ 50분
/ 체험수업
구글 번역 결과
토익 & 스피킹
구글 번역 결과
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  • 無意間看到你的故事跟你的詞~旋律自然而然就在腦裡成型,如果有興趣請跟我聯絡吧!😊

  • 你好!恭喜找到好老師!