I love korea

I really love Korean culture. I love korea, I love the vestments, the history, food and the korean language is beautiful. At first I thought it would be an impossible thing to learn. I even visited Korea when I started dating my current husband, I went to meet his parents. How sad I was that I couldn't talk to them properly. I always had to translate into English and from English into Korean. That's because my mother language is Portuguese. I knew very few words and yet I was ashamed to speak because I knew my pronunciation was not perfect. I decided to take courage and found a wonderful teacher. I still don't speak fluently, but I read everything and my husband already says that the pronunciation of what I speak is great. thank you amanzingtalker for this opportunity. thank you teacher Cintia for being such a nice person, and an amazing teacher. 감사합니다

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한국어원어민 수준
영어B1 중급
💗초보자 회화/발음 전문
한국어원어민 수준
영어B1 중급
일본어A1 입문
✈️➡️🇰🇷나는 한국에 안 살지만, 한국 유학와서 어학당을 다니는 것처럼 한국어를 배우고 싶다면 지금 클릭!! 👉대학원 한국어 석사 전공 👉한국어/영어 교육경력 5년 👉나는 초급자이지만 오직 한국어로 하는 수업을 듣고 싶다면?! 👉발음 전문 👉전문적이고 체계적인 수업 진행 🌸10회 수업 이내에 한국어 모든 발음을 정확하고 빠르게 읽을 수 있어요! 🌸3개월 동안 공부 후 오직 한국어로만 수업 가능 🌸한글 공부부터 TOPIK1 까지 6개월 안에 완성 🌸TOPIK2 쓰기가 어렵다면? -> 신치아 선생님께로

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