Great lessons with Lily

I was looking for kind French teacher. I was learning French by my self however I couldn't speak. With Lily she has a lot of knowlage of French. I was not so good speaking and writing. She understand my weakness point etc. If I don't understand vocabulare, phrase and meaning always she teach me and this is easy to understand! Also we discuss a lot of culture difference. so she ioffered me flexible lessons:) I am happy to meet her on the Amazing talker. Merci beaucoup!!

이야기 속의 선생님

/ 50분
/ 체험수업
영어A2 초급
불어원어민 수준
구글 번역 결과
영어A2 초급
불어원어민 수준
스페인어B2 중상급
구글 번역 결과
💛 + 1000시간 수업💛 졸업 후 사립 어학원에서 FLE(외국어로서의 프랑스어)를 가르치기 시작했습니다💛 2020년에 나만의 어학원을 만들었습니다💛 현재는 프랑스어를 가르치는 학교를 운영하고 있습니다💛 6년 취득 FLE 교육 경험.

1 개 댓글

  • Vous avez raison d'étudier le français écrit et oral. Vos connaissances vous permettront de réussir aux tests de français tels que le DELF et le DALF, ainsi que de communiquer verbalement avec le monde francophone.