My Exceptional Learning Journey with Fiona

Hello friends! I am so excited to share with you my wonderful experience of learning English here. Before joining, my English was, how to say, not very good. But now, I can proudly say that my English has improved significantly, thanks to my amazing teacher.

I remember my first class like it was yesterday. I felt nervous, as I had never been in a 1 on 1 class before. But, the teacher was very kind and patient. She made me feel comfortable, and slowly, my nervousness disappeared. The classes were not like the typical boring ones I used to attend at school. Here, every class was an adventure, full of interesting topics and interactive discussions.

My teacher focused a lot on improving my pronunciation. She would correct me gently every time I made a mistake. In the beginning, I struggled with the pronunciation of certain words. But, with her guidance and continuous practice, I could see the improvement in my speech. Now, I can pronounce difficult words with ease, and it feels incredible!

Next, we focused on my tone. English is a language where the tone matters a lot. My teacher helped me understand this by giving examples from different scenarios. Gradually, I learned how to control my tone depending upon the situation. This not only improved my English but also helped me understand the nuances of the language better.

Grammar, oh, the tricky part! But with my teacher, learning grammar was not a chore. She used creative methods to teach me, making it easy for me to understand and remember. Now, my sentences are not only grammatically correct but also sound more natural.

What I love most about my classes is the topic variation. One day we are discussing the English literature, the next day we are talking about global politics. Such diverse topics not only broadened my perspective but also helped me learn new vocabulary. It made the learning process so much fun and engaging.

My teacher has played a huge role in this transformation. Her teaching methods, patience, and dedication have truly inspired me. I am grateful for her support and guidance.

이야기 속의 선생님

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구글 번역 결과
학술 작문🏅대화
영어원어민 수준
광동어원어민 수준
중국어C1 상급
구글 번역 결과
🎯 홍콩에서 태어나 영국에서 자랐습니다. 영국식 발음 🎯 IB 국제학교 졸업; 박사 미술사 🎯 대학 및 시험관으로 4년간 강의 경험 🎯 영국과 홍콩에서 6년 동안 영어와 역사를 가르친 경험 🎯학술 작문, IELTS 및 TOEFL; 해외로 이주하는 국외 거주자; 회화 수업

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