Learning a 3rd language

Chinese is the 2nd language outside of my Native language that I have learned. Chinese is drastically different from English, Hsin-Yi has made it easier and fun for my to learn Chinese. Learning with her has given me a deeper understanding of Chinese and Taiwanese culture, not only how to speak the language. I have learned many sentences and phrases that I can use to practice to speak with my girlfriend and friends that are from Taiwan. If you are an English speaker who is curious about learning a new language and culture then I would highly suggest taking a course with Hsin-Yi for she is sure to give you great insight into both!!

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【🤓 목표가 있든 없든 상관없이 영어 학습에 관한 "양방향 교육 여행"을 만드는 데 저와 함께 할 수 있습니다!】【👩🏻‍💻 프리랜서 번역가로 일하기(비디오 게임, 패션, 생명 의학 ).】 【🦁 국립대만사범대학 졸업】 【👩🏻‍🎓 중등교사 자격증 3개 보유】

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