越努力越幸運-Alan The harder you work, the luckier-Alan

Zhang Alan:
今年誤打誤撞的獲得幾個面試機會,本來沒說要考德文的職缺紛紛在進入二面時列出考口說的要求(老天爺r...) 德文一直是死穴,复杂的语法,漫天的动词名次形容词。面試好幾次外商慘敗的我,這次真的不想要與機會擦身而過。





This year, I got a few interview opportunities by mistake. The job vacancies that did not say that German was required to take the test have listed the requirements of the test when they entered the second side (God r...) German has always been a dead end, complicated The grammar is full of adjectives. I have been defeated by foreign businessmen several times in interviews, but this time I really don’t want to pass the opportunity.

Although there have been attempts to learn German from foreign teachers, the overall efficiency is very poor. It may take half a year for me to be saved. Fortunately, seeing Alan who has Simens work experience here, I just want to die. As a live horse doctor, I immediately made an appointment for the audiovisual, and the teacher also specially allocated the time for me that day. I did not expect that I would really only speak 3.4 sentences (about 10 seconds) during the test.

Therefore, I decided to arrange five classes for myself in these ten days. After 110 minutes each time, I started to memorize myself, and then I asked the teacher to ask questions, ask available words and correct the answers. I also found that the secret of answering questions is to organize first What to say in good Chinese, and then try to state it in a simple way as much as possible. Of course, when I have time outside of class, I am talking to myself and introducing myself. Some German manuscripts and resumes were also passed to the teacher to correct the grammar, which is equivalent to being immersed in German for ten days. I think this is more or less helpful.

In the end, I arranged for myself to continue to attend classes two days before the interview, so that I had been suffering from various problems, and explained my own situation in the middle. Please ask the teacher to ask some tricky questions according to the needs of the position as much as possible, and let me think about how to make a statement. In the interview, I was not scared to be speechless, and even able to finish the case in German! Although the result is currently known (I passed 🎊🎊) because the interviewer gave me feedback that my German speaking ability is very good, this is Things that I had never thought of before.

I am really grateful to Teacher Alan for his help here, so that I, who is afraid and hate German, can also feel the confidence to speak German, and I am motivated to continue to improve myself!

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