
想學西班牙文很久,有一天在閒聊時被朋友推薦了Amazing Talker這個平台。想要找老師,結果熱門老師全都學生爆滿。結果剛好遇見了新老師Andriana。
但是問題在於,絕大多數學生是不會瀏覽所有的老師的(英文學習板塊就有106頁的老師,應該沒有人會全部瀏覽一邊), 而線上學習網站的教師排名機制決定了出現在前幾頁的老師幾乎都是熱門名師,導致很多的新老師甚至都沒有被學生認識的機會。

- 更私人的客製化課程

- 時間更好配合

- 有時會有收穫意想不到友情
這就要說到在很長一段時間裡,我曾是某位老師的唯一一名學生,所以他也對我超級超級超級好XDDDD 也變成了彼此的朋友!我也覺得這樣的友情非常難得,如同盲龟值浮木,要珍惜這樣的緣分呀😄


- 術業有專攻,根據自己的需求挑選適合妳的老師。例如A和B兩名老師,A老師主修語言學專業,B老師修的是溝通障礙學。

- 找老師,適合妳的才是最好的!
而且以我多次嘗試線上學習的經驗,當遇到適合妳的老師的時候,真的會有一種一見鍾情的感覺💘💘💘 就是那種雖然沒有說很多話,但覺得將來一定會成為好朋友的的感覺 😁😁 像我第一次和Andriana老師上課的時候就莫名覺得她是個超級聰明的人,所以馬上就決定和她繼續學習了~

New users who try online courses, such as me, always tend to choose the teachers who have sold many lessons and rated the best. The reason is that most of the top-ranked teachers have rich experience, can grasp the learning status of students, and are also familiar with online teaching methods.
But the problem is that most students will not read all the teachers profile (the English learning section has 106 pages of teachers, and no one will see all of them), and many new teachers do not even have the opportunity to be recognized by the students.
But the problem is, -Popular- does not necessarily mean -best-,
those un-popular teachers are also great (actually new teachers always surprise me! )

And I must say: there are many advantages of the new teacher:

- Popular teachers usually have a lot work. So if you have special requirements in terms of learning, for example, you need help of a certain professional course in a semester, then the teacher who is already heavily burdened may not be able to help you. (But not because they are unwilling). In this case, it is recommended to find non-popular teachers who have studied this subject. Maybe you can get help from them!

- Most of the popular teachers already have student groups, so sometime its not easy to book a class with the. Its also difficult to change the time: canceling the appointment means you need to wait for another week.
At this time, the advantage of non-popular teachers is obvious: a more flexible schedule. If it is necessary to adjust the class time (for example, 30 minutes earlier/delayed), teachers can generally cooperate.

-Sometimes there will be unexpected friendships
Once I was the only student of a teacher, so my teacher treated me super super super, super well (hahaha) and also we became friends!

-Choose the teacher that suits you according to your needs. For example, there are two teachers A and B. Teacher A learns linguistics, and teacher B learns communication disorders.
If you are preparing for an exam and want to learn grammar with a serious teacher, then teacher A is the best choice. But if you are naturally shy and want to have a gentle teacher who will not make you feel pressured to guide you to practice speaking, teacher B is of course the first choice.

So I recommend everyone to try some new teachers, maybe there will be surprises🌟🌟 And I hope all the new students could find an appropriate teacher!

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