Diving Deep

Born and raised in the United States I was determined to get out and see the world. I come from a scuba diving background and more recently made the leap to make this my ticket to see the world. With many of the world’s best diving locations being around Asia I decided to apply for a Scuba Diving Instructor position in Japan. Shortly after submitting my application I was picked up and on a one way flight to Okinawa, Japan where the diving is world class. Amazing beaches, people, and cocktails in the land of the raising sun.
Watashi no sensei wa Honoka desu – or in English – My AmazingTalker tutor, Honoka, has helped me tremendously with communication in a world that speaks little English. Learning Japanese and being able to apply it everyday is a thrill in itself and without communication I would never be able to hold or even dream of having a career in such a beautiful piece of the world.
We were born to dive 🐠

1 개 댓글

  • 恭喜您找到合適的老師,我也一樣,我自從上了課之後,漸漸發現看美劇都能聽到有學過的單字,也比較能融會貫通。
    最近我寫了一篇英文的學習心得,裡面有一些老師教的學英文的方法,想請大家多多支持按個喜歡,衷心地感謝大家的鼓勵, 也祝大家的學業蒸蒸日上!💪😊😄


    Hello guys, this is my English learning story


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