Best learning Chinese language experience

I have had many experiences with Chinese language learning neither going to Sunday school or in-house tutoring; nothing could compare with my current teacher Ms. Chien Chien. It had been the best nine weeks learning the Chinese language with her. She taught me about the Taiwanese ghost festival and introduced many different traditions, fascinating customs, and even all types of ghosts. I found it particularly interesting with the online interaction with her via the online quiz, pictures visualization, and actual physical drawings. It definitely drew plenty of interest wanting to learn more of the language and look forward to each lesson.

My first lesson with Ms. Chien Chien was particularly interesting to break the ice. Knowing that my Chinese was not very fluent, the teacher used many interactive visual effects on the screen to guide me with the understanding. She started with questions about my school, what I have learned on the day and what time it was in Australia to connect the dots to the topic she wanted to talk about in the lesson. It was really cool when I saw we could interact by drawing on my iPad screens, which did help me to understand a few vocabularies in Chinese. Throughout the lessons, Ms.Chien Chien emphasised on the things I showed the most interest in, for instance, I loved the cute fat ghost character in Chinese ghost festival lessons. At the end of each lesson, Ms. Chien Chien would come up with a ten quizzes to revise what we talked about in the lesson. I loved the buzzing sound on the multiple-choice questions and its sound effects. I sometimes had to ask my parents to help me out and we were surprised they did not know all the answers in Chinese. It was wonderful to engage my whole family and at the same time learning the language.

The online lessons made it very easy to fit into my busy schoolings, extra curriculums, and sporting events. We sometimes had lessons right after school or even perhaps on Friday nights. Ms. Chien Chien had been very accommodating and it was nice to see her on a weekly basis yet improving my Chinese language. I started to speak more confidently at home with my parents, my brother, and even to my grandparents. I now have more vocabularies in my pocket which are relevant to my daily living and applicable to my schools. Sometimes my Chinese pronunciations were not accurate, Ms. Chien Chien had always been very patient to find out what I was trying to express. I loved the time where we had our little drawing competitions where we exchanged thoughts and cultural backgrounds. My parents could see a great improvement in my conversational language skills and spoke more confidently to feel engaged.

I would highly recommend my teacher, Ms. Chien Chien, for her extreme patience with me and her joyful character to lighten my days. My mother and I loved the way how she spoke the Chinese language, it was very well articulated and yet gentle. I am very happy to be her student and look forward to continuing with our learnings.

이야기 속의 선생님

/ 50분
/ 체험수업
한국어A2 초급
영어C1 상급
한국어A2 초급
영어C1 상급
중국어원어민 수준
你好Nǐ hǎo~芊芊(QiānQiān)입니다. 💛 모든 영어, 초급 한국어, 일본어로 제공 🆗 💛 가장 웃기는 것을 좋아하는 선생님, 아이들이 가장 좋아하는 중국어 수업 💛 말하기, 쉽고 재미있게, 수업 중 웃음🈵️🈵️ 💛 듣기, 말하기, 읽기 및 쓰기에 효과적인 중국 국립 사범 대학 졸업 💯 💛 번체 / 간체 / 주음 / 병음🆗 💛 즐길 수 있는 중국어수업

9 개 댓글

  • 嗨!這是我學英文的故事
    給我一點鼓勵 投一個愛心💖 非常謝謝😊
    Hello! teacher, This is my English learning story
    If you like my story, please give me a like💖
    Give me encouragement, Thank you so much 😊
  • 老師是熱門的老師,對每一位飛行學生設計客製化的課程,從聊天當中都能感覺到老師的用心,我幾乎找不到第二個像老師這樣子的備課跟分析學生的學習需求,並能達到學生的英文目標,如果按照老師的安排,在短時間就會有成效。
    最近我寫了一篇英文的學習心得,裡面有一些老師教的學英文的方法,想請大家多多支持按個喜歡,衷心地感謝大家的鼓勵, 也祝大家的學業蒸蒸日上!💪😊😄


    Hello guys, this is my English learning story

    If you like my story, please vote a like💖,thank you so much 😊
  • 😊💖
  • 從孩子的發言中,感覺孩子已經深深的愛上芊芊老師,老師會以學生為中心去帶孩子,並且依學生的程度去調整教學,好用心!尤其中文這麼難學還可以保持興趣的一直學下去,老師一定教的很棒!Tiffany, good for you, 要和芊芊老師一直學下去喔!
  • 哇喔,好幸運有芊芊老師教你,真棒,遇到用心的老師很不容易!加油!開開心心學習,才會學更好喔!
  • 很高興你找到了這麼棒的老師,也謝謝你的分享,很棒!:D
  • 芊芊老師真的是很棒的老師,對小朋友們都非常熱情、有耐心,相信在芊芊老師的帶領之下,一定可以有很大得收穫!加油!你很棒😊
  • I am so touching by ur story. Ms. Chien Chien is a kind and patient teacher.
    Wish u will win the good prize 😍😍😍

  • 老師真的太感動了😭😭 April最棒了!!^^ I am so grateful for having such good and sweet student. You are always so focus and engage in the class which make me really happy and look forward to our next class. You are also doing a good job by speaking more Chinese in your daily life, I know it's not easy so I am so proud of you! Again, so much fun to have you and your brother in my class, keep it up 加油😄