When you’re demotivated… 當你沒動力時…

因為感覺已經走到瓶頸位了(卡在一個能跟韓國人溝通,卻無法深入溝通探討一些政治等的議題的位置)。Jessie 老師的課堂給我自由空間去討論(還會集合學生辯論,練口說,真的是超有心的老師)這些問題,同時也能在課堂中教授一些應試技巧,讓我在自由和輕鬆的環境下舒服地上韓文課。她也是一位非常有彈性的老師,無論是晚上突然上課,還是課堂講一些比較敏感的議題,Jessie老師也能透過討論教會我心的單詞跟文法。由於本人不是一個很自律的學生,老師在課堂前提醒我交功課對我來說也非常有效,讓我沒動力時,透過討論一些有趣的話題找回學習的樂趣。不是誇張~但遇到這般好的老師真的非常幸福!!ಥ_ಥ

I’ve been studying Korean for two years and this year, it seemed to me that I had reached a place where I can communicate without difficulty with Koreans, but I couldn’t really delve into deeper topics, say for example politics and philosophy. Jessie has been a really kind teacher offering a free and easygoing atmosphere in classes, enabling me to ask and talk about things I am interested in, at the same time teaching me exam skills, grammar and vocabulary. She is also very patient when it comes to explaining things — she tries to do it in Korean so that the Korean exposure in class is maximised. Other than that, she is an extremely flexible person who does not mind questions and classes at night, and has also encouraged me to work harder even when I was demotivated and tired with my learning. My learning journey has definitely become a lot more fruitful with her help - she is extremely understanding and patient. I am extremely grateful, especially because she is a teacher who really cares about her students’ learning progress and tries her very best (holding extra classes, debates for her students to learn effective communication)!! She deserves the world for being such a great teacher(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

2 개 댓글

  • 你的韓語學習故事真的很好看。 希望通過學習韓語,和更多的人溝通和享受。 因爲韓國有很多好人! 希望以後我們能有緣的話一定要見面。 其實我也在教韓語。 如果想問韓國文化或旅行食物等,可以隨時問! 我會等你的~
  • What an inspiring article this is! You are a very passionate student who studies really hard and is curious about the language.
    Thank you so much for participating in my classes and writing an article like this.
    I will teach harder to become a teacher who can give you hope in the future.
    Thank you a lot and see you in the class : )