A wonderful experience

I am preparing for ielts exam for a long while, in fact, reading is one of my weakness point in this exam. Amy is a wonderful teacher. She is not only help me to improve my pronouncation but also teach me some skills which can find the answers as soon as I can. So I really enjoy joining her class.Furthermore, she is a kind and friendly teacher, I will not feel stressed in her class if I make some mistakes. I am so glad to attend her class.

3 개 댓글

  • 無壓力學習才能暴風式成長~~

    也正在考 唎酒師 燒酎唎酒師的資格

    nice story!! You can do it~ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

    I learn Japanese in amazingtalker, too.
    NOW, I work in Japan. My story also wrote by English. 
    Could you come to see it and give a like?
  • 我在閱讀也不是很ok,是文法和單字不夠!!加油
  • happy for you !