
IELTS Speaking and Writing
180회 영어 수업 완료


영어원어민 수준
Hey guys! I am a British man living in the Philippines. You can call me Colin. Anyway, I have worked with companies such as Cambly, eHello and iTutorgroup as a native English speaker. I speak with a clear British accent and can also speak in neutral English accent. I teach Conversation English for beginners to advanced speaker, Kid's English and Test Preparation lessons. 大家好!我是一个住在菲律宾的英国人。你可以叫我科林。无论如何,我曾与Cambly,eHello和iTutorgroup等公司合作,担任英语母语人士。我会说英语,带有清晰的口音和中性的英国口音。我教英语会话(初级到高级)儿童英语和考试准备课程。 For English conversation courses: When learning English conversations, it is crucial that the questions raised are focused on developing students' speaking skills, so my courses are all about interactive dialogues, designed to give students the confidence to openly talk and express their opinions. 对于英语会话课程: 在学习英语会话时,至关重要的是所提出的问题都集中在培养学生的口语技能上,所以我的课程都是关于互动对话,旨在让学生有信心公开谈论和发表意见。 For Beginner Lessons: Beginner lessons are the first step to formally speaking English. This is why it is very important that these lessons are engaging while very informative. We take the lessons in a progressive manner, starting from basic introduction to learning sentence constructions. The goal for this lesson is to build a good foundation in order for a student to develop skills in independent English conversations. 初学者课程: 初级课程是正式讲英语的第一步。这就是为什么这些课程具有吸引力,同时提供非常丰富的信息非常重要。我们以渐进的方式从中吸取教训,从基本介绍到学习句子结构。本课程的目标是建立一个良好的基础,以便学生发展独立英语会话的技能。 For IELTS Test Preparations: IELTS is a very important test that students need to pass if they want to immigrate, study overseas or work overseas, especially when the place they want to go to are European countries. The lessons conducted in here focus on developing the speaking and writing skills of the student by constant practice and using the skills necessary to achieve the goals set. Listening and reading practices are not doable through the platform but students can always ask for ways to improve their reading and listening skills as well as ask questions they might have regarding the topic. My IELTS tutorials have a high passing rate, especially for the speaking test. In fact, my student's highest score achieved is 8.5 in overall and the test was taken in Shanghai. 对于雅思考试准备: 雅思考试是一项非常重要的考试,如果学生想要移民,到海外学习或在海外工作,特别是当他们想去的地方是欧洲国家时,他们需要通过考试。这里的课程重点是通过不断练习和使用实现目标所需的技能来培养学生的口语和写作技巧。通过平台无法进行听力和阅读练习,但学生可以随时询问提高阅读和听力技巧的方法,并提出他们可能对该主题提出的问题。我的雅思教程通过率很高,特别是对于口语考试。事实上,我的学生取得的最高分是总分8.5分,考试是在上海进行的。 For Kid's English: Learning English is best done when young because it is the time that our brains process and take in information the easiest. However, children are also easy to lose focus. Therefore, the lessons here will be about fun and enjoyment. The teacher makes sure to interact with the student well with games and activities. Teaching is also done with mimicking and actions. The very point of the lesson is to keep the students interested while facilitating a good learning environment. 对于Kid's English: 学习英语最好在年轻时完成,因为现在是我们的大脑处理和收集信息最简单的时间。但是,孩子也很容易失去焦点。因此,这里的课程将是有趣和享受。老师确保与学生进行良好的游戏和活动互动。教学也是模仿和行动。课程的重点是让学生保持兴趣,同时促进良好的学习环境。 Try my course and I am sure you will come back for more. I can be your teacher and conversation partner - especially when you reach the goal of speaking English. See you in my class! 尝试我的课程,我相信你会回来更多。我可以成为你的老师和谈话伙伴 - 尤其是当你达到说英语的目标时。在课堂上见!
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기타 수업 시간
5회 이상 시 추가 혜택이 있습니다. 우측 하단에서 가격을 확인하시거나 장바구니에서 선택하세요!


전체 시간 표시

66 개의 영어강의평가

  • Judy
    9월 25, 2019
    Colin 的課非常扎實嚴謹,雖然只是試教但我上完課覺得腦袋很滿!老師帶領學生準備 IELTS 非常專業有經驗,在了解我的需求是短時間內達到一定分數以後,先做了一次完整的模擬 speaking,並在過程中一一指出我的弱點(有能力舉好例子但回答的架構鬆散、某些回答方式會有矛盾或離題的可能、太專注於自我修正以至於沒有把故事說好、文法上的錯誤使用......),雖然給的內容很多但對我來說不至於太有壓力。 Colin 也有特別提到會協助增強我的單字,也會分派 writing 作業讓我回家自己寫再 email 給他,之後上課一起討論。 整體而言是位親切用心仔細到我覺得很感人的老師,推~~
  • Chung David
    6월 24, 2019
    Colin is an excellent teacher who would prepare the tailored material for you. And he is passionate and encouraging. Many thanks. : )
모두 66 개의 강의평가 보기

수강생 평점



  • 2017 - 2019 Cambly Inc.
  • 2016 - 2018 Alo7
  • 2015 - 2017 iTutorGroup /TutorABC


  • 2006 - 2010 Leyte Normal University Bachelor of Education

자격증과 증명서

  • 120 Hours TEFL

  • 2017 - 2019 Cambly Inc.
  • 2016 - 2018 Alo7
  • 2015 - 2017 iTutorGroup /TutorABC
  • 2006 - 2010

    Leyte Normal University

    Bachelor of Education

자격증과 증명서
  • 120 Hours TEFL


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    • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.
    예약 방법
    • 강의 구매 후 선생님의 강의 스케줄에 표시된 시간에 수업을 신청하세요.
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    • 정규 수업 시간은 25분 혹은 50분입니다
    • 정규 수업 5회 이상 구매 시 추가 할인이 있습니다. (선생님의 수강료에 따라 상이)
    • 수업 10분 전 사이트에 들어가, 『나의 강의실』내에서 수강할 수업을 찾은 뒤 『교실 들어가기』를 선택하면 ZOOM이 시작되고 수업을 시작할 수 있습니다
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    환불 참고 사항
    • 수업 중 문제가 발생하면 『문제신고』를 클릭하세요. 선생님이 다시 예약을 하거나 AT코인으로 환불해드려요.
    • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.

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