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1117개의 AmazingTalker 리뷰

모든 리뷰1117

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리뷰한 선생님:Jack ACCA and CFA Level 1 3+working accouting and auditor experience in Australia

13/07/2024 16:25
Jack has a strong knowledge of business structures and models in the globe, especially in Australia. Moreover, he is enthusiastic, pretty mature, and presentable. It's good to have classes with him.

리뷰한 선생님:Alvaro 🏆 Experto en ELE 💃 Clases divertidas para niños 💡 Conversación 👍 DELE

12/05/2024 22:50
Mr Alvaro, it's the perfect teacher online... I highly recommend him to all classes and students.

리뷰한 선생님:diether rolf

18/04/2024 01:27
The lesson was very interractive and I enjoyed. Thank you

리뷰한 선생님:Habiba Mohamed Sheikh

16/04/2024 20:55
It was an enjoyable lesson. Thank you

리뷰한 선생님:📊📚💼 Waleed - Making Accounting Fun and Understandable! 💡🔢🌟

16/12/2023 02:35
Did a trial lesson with him today, great teacher and explained it really well! Thank you for the lesson today

AI 강사 추천

원하는 조건을 선택하면, 30초 안에 가장 적합한 선생님을 찾아드립니다!

리뷰한 선생님:Iris Tan 【A-level,IGCSE, DSE】Experienced University Tutor

22/10/2023 01:28
Components of statement of stockholders’ equity have been gone through, as well as the principles and rationales behind the accrual-based accounting. Adjusting entries are also introduced.

리뷰한 선생님:📊📚💼 Waleed - Making Accounting Fun and Understandable! 💡🔢🌟

18/10/2023 16:04
This is was the most interesting accounting class I had this year. Teacher Waleed was such a great and professional teacher and he handled all my problems in a manner that is so simple and yet elaborate. Thank you teacher Waleed. In the meantime, I would like to urge all the other students in this platform to try out with teacher Waleed if they wish to enjoy their accounting classes.

리뷰한 선생님:📊📚💼 Waleed - Making Accounting Fun and Understandable! 💡🔢🌟

18/10/2023 15:59
I must say Teacher Waleed was the best I have encountered so far in this platform. My problems were sorted out in a manner that I never expected especially because difficult concepts were simplified to my advantage. I have to say thank you. I also highly recommend this teacher to any other student.

리뷰한 선생님:📊📚💼 Waleed - Making Accounting Fun and Understandable! 💡🔢🌟

18/10/2023 15:44
Teacher Waleed was such an interesting person to learn with because he is able to explain difficult concepts in a manner that is simplified and reasonable. I would like to recommend this teacher to every student that wishes to take classes in this platform.

리뷰한 선생님:📊📚💼 Waleed - Making Accounting Fun and Understandable! 💡🔢🌟

18/10/2023 05:58
The lesson was marvelous and I highly recommend Teacher Waleed to every student within this platform.

리뷰한 선생님:📊📚💼 Waleed - Making Accounting Fun and Understandable! 💡🔢🌟

18/10/2023 05:56
Teacher Waleed is a very interesting and fun teacher to study with. I enjoyed each and every bit of the lesson I had with Waleed because of the manner in which he explained every concept. I highly recommend this teacher to every student that looks forward to taking classes in this particular platform.

리뷰한 선생님:Armelia Sitopu 👩‍🏫 IELTS prep, conversation, business, other custom study requests

09/08/2023 19:06
Took the trial lesson and learned a lot. Ms. Armelia is very easy to talk to and gave me many opportunities to speak and ask questions if I didn't understand a certain topic.

리뷰한 선생님:Venola Munsamy

01/02/2023 07:10
Venola is an outstanding teacher. She listened to my needs, analyzed my needs, and gave me a great plan. I will see her again!

리뷰한 선생님:"🌻Jennifer: Business English & TOEIC Expert🎖️8 Years Experience👑"

17/11/2022 20:21
Jennifer is very competent. Really appreciate her support.

리뷰한 선생님:Joe, CFA 💰 영어 원서 독서를 통한 학습🤓

12/06/2022 12:50
Joe explains all topics very thoroughly. He is a good at what he specialized in which for me is finance. We practiced interview questions and finance related topics which helped me get well prepared for my career. He is quick to respond and is also a friendly person to get along with. I would highly recommend you pick his class definitely worth it.

리뷰한 선생님:Alvaro 🏆 Experto en ELE 💃 Clases divertidas para niños 💡 Conversación 👍 DELE

12/04/2022 21:20
Perfect, helped me a lot understanding some accounting principles.

리뷰한 선생님:Sam ➡️ Business English ➡️ Native English

18/02/2022 01:18
Thank you for your Guiding. You really do me a lot of favor.

리뷰한 선생님:[🔥DSE/小學呈分試,團班招生🔥] 👨‍🏫Michael Sir🏆 [港大數學名師 / 會計師] 專攻中小學數學

28/12/2021 13:27
Substantial taxation continuation for tenderfoot or bush leaguer dbe suits its skeletonizing work outs

리뷰한 선생님:Alvaro 🏆 Experto en ELE 💃 Clases divertidas para niños 💡 Conversación 👍 DELE

07/12/2021 23:11
Brilliant teachers, able to explain complicate ideas in simple, leyman way. For the calculation topics, the function and ideology of each step is explained clearly. Using excel to assist is awesome as you can understand where the figures come from . For the theory part, the rationale of each accounting principle is explained step by step. So you can easy to understand why there is certain requirment and how to apply. Lesson is well prepared. Teacher has very good understanding on account practice. Also, he could judge the lesson and ability of students accurately. Therefore, the lesson is suitable for begining and advance students.

리뷰한 선생님:[🔥DSE/小學呈分試,團班招生🔥] 👨‍🏫Michael Sir🏆 [港大數學名師 / 會計師] 專攻中小學數學

10/12/2020 23:55
Michael is a very good accounting teacher that full of patience.

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선생님 국적에 따른 평균 수업료

  • 대만

    ₩24,898 - ₩41,497 / 시간

  • 홍콩

    ₩35,954 - ₩59,923 / 시간

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해당 언어로 수업을 진행하시는 선생님과 수업하는 것이 최고의 공부 방법이겠지만, 단어나 문법이 부족하거나 아직 해당 언어로 듣고 말하는 것이 어려우실 경우에는 한국인 선생님과 1대1로 수업하시는 것 역시 추천드립니다. 반대로 해당 언어로 말할 기회가 부족하여 회화를 연습하고자 하신다면 원어민 선생님을 선택하시는 것을 추천드립니다.
수강신청은 어떻게 하나요?

학생이 원하는 수강료, 학습목표, 선생님의 경력 등을 구체적으로 선택하면 상세 검색 기능을 통해 보다 빠르게 자신에게 맞는 선생님을 찾으실 수 있답니다. 또한 [맛보기 수업]을 신청하시면 원래의 회당 수강료의 절반 가격으로 화상 를 체험해보실 수 있답니다. 그래도 아직 원하는 선생님을 찾지 못하셨다면, 단 3분만에 AI를 통해 자신에게 적합한 선생님을 추천받으실 수 있습니다. AI가 추천해준 선생님의 [맛보기 수업]을 신청하여 공부를 시작해 보세요!
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이 부분은 본인의 학습 필요량과 학습 목표에 따라 결정하실 수 있습니다. 면접 대비와 같이 단기간에 일회성 목표를 이루고자 하신다면 필요한 만큼의 수업만 수강하시면 되고, 장기적으로 실력을 향상하고자 하신다면 매주 일정한 시간에 학습을 진행할 수 있도록 수강하시면 된답니다. 특히 한번에 수업을 많이 구매하실수록 할인율이 높아지기 때문에 장기적으로 수강하시고자 하신다면 한번에 결제하시는 것을 추천드립니다.
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더 궁금한 사항이 있다면 어떻게 하나요?

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