IELTS overall 6.0-7.0





I am truly grateful for Graham's guidance! When practicing speaking, I often get nervous, but the teacher is always very patient in organizing the ideas I present, teaching me how to extend my thoughts, and frequently encouraging me.

After each class, he helps me correct my essays, providing significant assistance in structuring my writing! For Task 2, he has helped me articulate my arguments clearly, and for Task 1, I've gone from merely listing various data points to comparing different trends. Additionally, he gives me extra handouts, especially on grammar, which has greatly improved.

He has also taught me some tips for reading and listening, guiding me through practicing heading questions, which has been very helpful in allowing me to complete the reading section quickly. In listening, he has helped me practice the map questions that I was unfamiliar with.

Getting a score of 7 makes me really happy, and I feel very lucky to have met Graham!

이야기 속의 선생님

IELTS 전문가 9년 XP
/ 50분
/ 체험수업
영어원어민 수준
중국어A2 초급
구글 번역 결과
IELTS 전문가 9년 XP
영어원어민 수준
중국어A2 초급
스페인어B2 중상급
구글 번역 결과
📣최고의 시험 강사📣 Cambridge University의 CELTA 교사 자격증💪9년 경력💪 IELTS Band 7.5+ 달성🥇공인 IELTS 트레이너💯 ⭐ 시험 준비(IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, CAE, GRE)⭐ 영국 또는 미국 발음 배우기⭐ 비즈니스 영어 및 면접 준비⭐

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